So, I'm the girl who you see with the ipod in her hand, fumbling around in her bag for her next reading adventure, and who's sitting at the table in her own world while the others chat. I'm the girl who you hear talking about the latest albums, the recent This American Life, or Twilight news. The girl you see tapping her foot to a Shins' song in the grocery store while the old lady in the produce gives her queer looks. Or, the one who pulls out her writing notebook in the middle of a really important speech to jot down the newest twist in her latest story. The one who's a nerdfighter, and proud of it. The quiet girl who's frizzy hair is uncontrolable as it falls into her face as she finds the Death Cab For Cutie playlist on her red third generation nano. Yeah, I'm that girl. An individual, if I do say so myself.
I've never heard thissong before, but it wouldhave fit nicely on the Garden State soundtrack.