Sunday, January 4, 2009

Themes to the Week

Now that Christmas break is almost over, I won't be able to get on as much and update as I would like, so until next weekend, or maybe earlier, depending on how much work I get finishrd, I have a few items worth checking out.

Another Like You by Sean Fournier is an amazing calm and happy song, and the lyrics are very thoughtful.

Bonfire by Blue Foundation. A nice breath-y song, I guess it's sorta inspiring, maybe? Check for yourself.

Great DJ by the Ting-Tings. A very dance-y song that may be a little repetitive (the
drums, the drums, the drums, the drums...) but is very catchy. After a few listens, it grows on you.

Phantom Limb by The Shins. Like a lot of other songs by the Shins (See Caring is Creepy, Australia.), Phantom Limb is a cleverly written, catchy, and up-beat song that I loved right off the bat.

The Winner Is and We're Gonna Make It by Danna/DeVotchKa, off of the Little Miss Sunshine Soundtrack. Without any lyrics, the songs and others off of the soundtrack
make great music for playing whenever. It's great thinking music, as well. (I recommend the entire soundtrack, seeing as it also includes Sufjan Stevens, yay!)

Hysteria by Muse. It kind of has a Radiohead feel to it, and the
song totally rocks whenever you blast it. Trust me.

Into Dust by Mazzy Star. After being recommended, I decided to check this one out. Pretty sweet.

Okay, I suppose that's all I have for now, but have no fear whoever actually follows this blog, I will be taking notes on songs and books and will return with more by at least Saturday! Have a rockin' week!

Peace, Love, Nerdfighters, and Twihards.

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